
“Because it becomes the money”, if such the it is sweetly and measure is permitted,
if how much you pay just, the inside you reset to ∞, it is the combining Uchi is?

It does in the scale and hearing that you interview, just barely what,
“securely in order to acquire distinction, once more this time in order by your own power
for you to raise to the top, here it perseveres with the field which is different and increases.
KAT-TUN means to keep doing so far with sort and 5 people.
Don't you think? until now thank you truly”,
that, it means such, that what you expect whether it is it is not, probably is small-numbered what.

Be disheartened.

In order by his to be convenient by his selfishly,
the hero it just handled him although, whether after all it is the extent when,
by his will have been been the bottom of the heart be disheartened is.

How it is good. That everything, how is good already future.
